On 30 July 2009 in Kassel, Germany, the VDLUFA executive committee agreed, to set up the interdisciplinary project team Analytical Quality Assurance which was launched on 20 January 2010.
The group focuses on preparing specifications for the validation (primary validation) of chemical and analytical VDLUFA methods. The specifications are intended to form the basis of a state-of-the-art validation procedure for all sections involved in the development and validation of chemical and analytical methods.
The group also focuses on selecting, preparing and reviewing VDLUFA papers or articles which have been authorised for publication and are concerned with analytical quality assurance. The compilation of these papers in a future volume of the VDLUFA Schriftenreihe is planned.
The following sections are active in the project group:
1. Chairman: Dr. Matthias Leiterer Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Naumburger Straße 98, 07743 Jena, Germany Mail: matthias.leiterer@tll.thueringen.de Phone: +49.3641.683434 Fax: +49.3641.683.414 2. Chairman: Dr. Gustav Offenbächer Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt (LUFA) Speyer Obere Langgasse 40, 67346 Speyer, Germany Mail: offenbaecher@lufa-speyer.de Phone: +49.6232.136.205 Fax: +49.6232.136.110