Section VII: Milk

Section VII consists of 13 colleagues from the fields of research, testing, consulting and from the industrial sector.

The main tasks of group VII include:

  • development and documentation of practical method protocols in the field of food analysis (focus: dairy industry and related industries);
  • widening the spectrum of volume VII “Environmental Analysis” of the VDLUFA Methods Book;
  • cooperation with the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety BVL (official collection of methods specified in §64 LFGB);
  • harmonisation of education and training programmes in Germany for laboratory assistants in the dairy industry and dairy specialists;
  • support of the co-operative attitude and the interdisciplinary and scientific collaboration of dairy institutes in Germany

Working Groups:
Chemie Mathias Schlenker, Milchwirtschaftliche Lehr- und Untersuchungsanstalt Oranienburg e. V.,
Mikrobiologie Dr. Martin Wiedemann (Agrarzentrum in Landsberg/Lech,
Methodenbuchredaktion Bettina Bätz (LfL Bayern),
Ausbildungsausschuss Dr. Helmut Steinkamp, LUFA Nord-West, Institut für Lebensmittelqualität,

1. Chairwomen: Andrea Greiling Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum (TLLLR)
Naumburger Straße 98, 07743 Jena Tel.: +49 361 574041-439

2. Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hermann Frister, Hochschule Hannover, Heisterbergallee 12, 30453 Hannover
Telefon: +49 511 9296 2216